71 707 36 77 (+48) 512 110 780

Tyre service

The professional RS Serwis offer also includes an inexpensive tyre service, to allow you to enjoy your car's tyres all year round. Thanks to many years of experience, as well as access to a highly qualified team of professionals, the tyre exchange provided by us in Wrocław stands at a very high level, which will satisfy even the most demanding customers. We are able to provide a comprehensive package of services, including wheel balancing, helping to evenly distribute the weight of the wheel, which guarantees safe and comfortable driving.

Tyre Replacement Wrocław

Wheel alignment is also part of our service and we will help you check and adjust it to suit your vehicle model, application and individual preferences. We place great emphasis on ensuring that the alignment is optimal and tailored to the customer's requirements, always trying to fully meet their expectations. Using RS Serwis, you can be sure that the wheel alignment will be correct both statically and dynamically.

With your safety and driving comfort in mind, we can also offer additional services within the scope of our professional tyre service. We also specialize in optimized wheel geometry. The team of professional mechanics of RS Serwis will adjust not only the toe angle, but also the angle of inclination of the wheels and their position in relation to the axis of the pin, guaranteeing pleasant driving and more efficient use of tyres and fuel.

Tyre Service Wrocław

The service provided by us is truly professional, and we use excellent technical facilities in the form of modern tools and instruments. Therefore, if you need a professional replacement of tyres in Wrocław, we offer comprehensive service, without the need for you to overpay. It is worth taking advantage of our assistance - we provide good communication, fast service, as well as durable and noticeable effects.

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Our advisers

Łukasz Wąsowicz
+48 537 336 653

Piotr Stankiewicz
+48 536 009 251

Dawid Ćwikła 
+48 536 183 501

Paweł Wawrzaszek
+48 536 029 802

Bosch Car Service

We are part of the Bosch Car Service.

We guarantee a comprehensive car care service.

Visit us and keep going!

Vehicle Inspection Station

Our vehicle inspection station in Wroclaw performs technical inspections of cars up to 3.5 tons in various scenarios.

Whether it is:

  • Registration of a car from abroad?
  • 4x4 drive check?
  • Legalization of a towing hook?
  • Car registration detained?
  • Maintenance visit?
Find out more [PL]
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