71 707 36 77 (+48) 512 110 780

Periodic inspections, oil service

As a professional car shop, we carry out detailed periodic inspections, making sure that your vehicle is in the best possible technical condition. We have all the necessary tools for effective diagnostics, so we can easily find any failures and faults that could reduce driving comfort and road safety.

We put special emphasis on liquids and consumables that lose their properties over time and need to be replenished as soon as possible. Our offer includes oil change in Wrocław with particular emphasis on the car model, properly matching the oil with the needs and requirements of the manufacturer. In addition, we will also provide you with the replacement of the necessary filters - their good condition significantly increases the life of the vehicle components.

Vehicle Technical Inspection Wrocław

We operate efficiently and in a timely manner, and each inspection is approached individually, taking into account the brand of the car and its internal construction.

When choosing our shop, you can be sure of:

  • A professional service
  • Sustained effects
  • Fast maintenance
  • Significant improvement in vehicle performance

It is worth choosing RS Serwis and enjoy a fully functional car again. Oil change and additional service work will allow you to restore engine efficiency, as well as safer and more comfortable driving. The service can be also performed as preventive - by detecting a small fault in advance, you can avoid a serious breakdown in the future and save yourself unnecessary stress and expenses.

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  • przegląd okresowy w naszej Stacji Kontroli Pojazdów,
  • pełen zakres usług detailingowych profesjonalnej myjni samochodowej w RS Serwis.
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Our advisers

Łukasz Wąsowicz
+48 537 336 653

Piotr Stankiewicz
+48 536 009 251

Dawid Ćwikła 
+48 536 183 501

Paweł Wawrzaszek
+48 536 029 802

Bosch Car Service

We are part of the Bosch Car Service.

We guarantee a comprehensive car care service.

Visit us and keep going!

Vehicle Inspection Station

Our vehicle inspection station in Wroclaw performs technical inspections of cars up to 3.5 tons in various scenarios.

Whether it is:

  • Registration of a car from abroad?
  • 4x4 drive check?
  • Legalization of a towing hook?
  • Car registration detained?
  • Maintenance visit?
Find out more [PL]
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