71 707 36 77 (+48) 512 110 780

Motor and electronics diagnostics

As a car shop with many years of experience, we have access to excellent technical facilities, which include reliable equipment and proven, modern software. Automotive electronics has no secrets from us. Our car computer diagnostics service is fast and precise, allowing us to quickly evaluate the state of individual vehicle systems. We at RS Serwis are not afraid of innovation and we use advanced technical solutions and the best service software, so that our car electrician can always provide you with service at the highest level.

Computer diagnostics is our specialty, so it is worth to come to RS Serwis - by choosing us right after the purchase of the car, you can effectively confirm its technical condition. It is a natural supplement to the standard inspection and test drive, which allows you to thoroughly check that the car electrical system is free from defects, without the need for invasive testing of its components.

Engine Diagnostics Wrocław

The car electrical system service we provide in the Krzyki district is a cost-effective and very efficient way to significantly improve the performance of your car and increase your safety on the road. A qualified car electrician will perform a thorough analysis of the individual components of the vehicle and will assess whether it requires further servicing, repair or regeneration of selected systems.

The engine is the heart of the car, but at the same time it is this component that is very often affected by serious malfunctions. In order to take good care of your vehicle, it may be necessary to have a professional engine diagnostics in Wrocław - one of the basic services provided by RS Serwis.

Car Computer Diagnostics Wrocław
Automotive Electronics Wrocław

With the help of specialized tools, we conduct a detailed reading of possible engine failures and malfunctions, immediately suggesting concrete ways to solve possible problems.

Our engine diagnostics is the most effective way to quickly determine the actual technical condition of the propulsion, so in the event of its irregular operation or increased fuel consumption, it is worth visiting our service as soon as possible. We also recommend regular, preventive maintenance to keep your vehicle in good working order. It is worth betting on the offer of RS Serwis and treat yourself with a professional, yet inexpensive package of diagnostic services using the latest, specialized software.

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  • pełen zakres usług detailingowych profesjonalnej myjni samochodowej w RS Serwis.
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Our advisers

Łukasz Wąsowicz
+48 537 336 653

Piotr Stankiewicz
+48 536 009 251

Dawid Ćwikła 
+48 536 183 501

Paweł Wawrzaszek
+48 536 029 802

Bosch Car Service

We are part of the Bosch Car Service.

We guarantee a comprehensive car care service.

Visit us and keep going!

Vehicle Inspection Station

Our vehicle inspection station in Wroclaw performs technical inspections of cars up to 3.5 tons in various scenarios.

Whether it is:

  • Registration of a car from abroad?
  • 4x4 drive check?
  • Legalization of a towing hook?
  • Car registration detained?
  • Maintenance visit?
Find out more [PL]
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